URL Scheme

The base protocol is:


Invoking this without further contents will simply activate the app.

Open File

Important: Because of App Sandboxing restrictions, TableFlip needs your permission to access files. This is automatic when you open files from the “File” menu. But you have to confirm opening files from paths that are passed in via the URL Scheme to avoid malicious third-party scripts from messing with your data.

The syntax:

  • PATH is a URL-encoded path. (Using Foundation.URLComponents, conforming to RFC 3986.)
  • TABLE_NO, if present, specifies which tab to show initially; if nothing is specified, the first table will be used. If the number is greater than the number of tables, the last table will be used. This only makes sense for Markdown files with multiple tables, not so much for CSV files, where this parameter will have no effect.
  • ROW, if present, specifies in which row the selection cursor should be placed initially. Indexes are 1-based, so the 2nd row is “2” and not “1”. The header row equals “0”. Values <0 will fall-back to 1.
  • COLUMN, if present, specifies in which column the selection cursor should be placed initially. Indexes are 1-based, so the 2nd column is “2” and not “1”. Values <1 will fall-back to 1.



Opens the file /Users/foobar/Desktop/My Markdown Book Makuscript.md, showing the 3rd tab.